MCEAS Consortium Master’s Student Workshop

Call for Participants

The McNeil Center for Early American Studies is pleased to announce a new program for its consortium members, the MCEAS Master’s Student Workshop, to be held over three virtual sessions on April 8, 22, and 29, 2024, from 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET. This series is designed for terminal master’s students who are engaged in research on early America, and aims to provide a structured platform for networking, professional development, and mentorship. All master’s students enrolled at institutions that are members of the Center’s Consortium are invited to attend. 

Sessions will facilitate meaningful interactions between master’s students from consortium institutions and academics and professionals who have received master’s degrees. Participants will have the opportunity to forge connections with peers at other institutions, gather advice on career paths, enhance their archival research skills, and discuss pursuing publication of their research. Students are invited to join any or all sessions, which will be as follows:

April 8: Introduction to Archival Research, with librarians from Penn’s Van Pelt Library   

April 22: Professional Life after Graduate School, with MA alumni employed in industry

April 29: Publishing Research, with the editorial team of Early American Studies


Students interested in participating should register here, or contact Peter Olsen-Harbich (, Associate Director, The McNeil Center for Early American Studies. Registration will be open until April 1, 2024.