Brown Bag Sessions

Please join us from 12:15 to 1:30 pm approximately twice a month on Wednesday afternoons between September and May for our Works-in-Progress Brown Bag Series. Works-in-Progress papers are circulated in advance. For copies or Zoom links, please contact


Southern New England Absence and Presence in the Colonial Archival Record

Brown Bag Session
Lydia Curliss, University of Maryland
Apr 9, 2025 at -

Lydia Curliss (Nipmuc) is a PhD Candidate at the University of Maryland, College of Information.  Her research interests include Indigenous Knowledges, cultural heritage memory institutions and their collections,…

"Work and Be Happy": Craft, Slavery, and Social Reform in Philadelphia, 1783-1840

Brown Bag Session
Bethany McGlyn, University of Virginia
Apr 23, 2025 at -

Bethany McGlyn is a PhD candidate and Jefferson Scholars Foundation Fellow at the University of Virginia studying craft labor and material culture in early national Philadelphia. In spring and summer 2025, Bethany will…