
Opera, Pantomime, and Circus in late 18th-century Montréal

Brown Bag Session
Elizabeth Rouget, Princeton University
Oct 23, 2024 at - | Location: McNeil Center, Room 105/Zoom


Elizabeth Rouget is a PhD candidate at Princeton University completing her dissertation titled “Dance as Translation: Establishing French Opéra-Comique, Ballet, and Circus in Early North America, 1780-1810.” Following the circulation of musical works, ballet masters, and star performers, she traces the artistic networks and performance practices of opéra-comique in New Orleans, Charleston, Philadelphia, New York City, Boston, Montréal, and Québec. Elizabeth’s research is supported by the Margery Lowens Dissertation Research Fellowship from the Society for American Music, and a Bombardier Fellowship through the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. 

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